The Chico Enterprise from Chico, California (2024)

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The Chico Enterprisei

Chico, California

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vl 5 a 1 1 A1 J- A 4 L- A a r- lioa dollars: left the Hudaon iae rrnSv tory '-at Detroit bound -for North vTr Vrtf Hailaon fiuperxyand th Esaex van aftoti ifi ttwudhout: tha Urritorrj'lt iQliraln ara fndearorluf'for aafpaaiVan will 'aya''jSaOTVps Sunday pfkrtoMfjmAf aftonjoblles maklnVatUaif Whlto tMT la rdtlmf Tkandayrrjhxliilbad of: tocsin for tha mornuant of fralfht aeraM vpomc Ipom-vtvHiidWBvailA'-'Bt aWglRtirffeg! 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The Chico Enterprise from Chico, California (2024)


Why is Chico called Chico? ›

The first known inhabitants of the area now known as Chico—a Spanish word meaning "little"—were the Mechoopda Maidu Native Americans. The City of Chico was founded in 1860 by John Bidwell, a member of one of the first wagon trains to reach California in 1843.

What companies are in Chico CA? ›

Major Employers in Butte County
Employer NameLocationIndustry
Cascade Auto GlassChicoAutomobile Glass-Service & Installation
Chico High SchoolChicoSchools
Enloe HomecareChicoHospices
Enloe Medical CtrChicoPhysical Therapists
21 more rows

Who found Chico, California? ›

It was founded in 1860 by John Bidwell, a state congressman and horticulturist, and developed as an agricultural-processing centre, especially for almonds, rice, and fruit.

Is Chico a good town? ›

Chico is a family-friendly city with excellent schools, numerous parks, and family-oriented activities. The strong sense of community and safety make it an attractive place to raise children.

What is the white population of Chico CA? ›

Population & Diversity

In 2022, there were 9.4 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (69.8k people) in Chico, CA than any other race or ethnicity.

What does it mean when a Mexican calls you Chico? ›

a boy or young man (often used as a nickname or form of address):

What is the most expensive neighborhood in Chico CA? ›

1. California Park

With a median home price of $524,921 and a median rent of $1,346, California Park is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. Based on the growth in home prices in California Park over the last 3 years, it ranks No. 1 among all the neighborhoods in Chico.

What is Chico best known for? ›

The city of Chico is known as a bicycling community and hosts the Wildflower Century 100-mile bike race each April. Chico is also home to a world music festival, concert series, parks, and museums.

What is the oldest business in Chico CA? ›

Across Broadway from the Bidwell Store is the building now housing Collier Hardware. This is one of the oldest buildings in downtown Chico. Built in 1871, the lower floor housed The George F.

Who is the richest person in Chico CA? ›

About Ken Grossman
BornNovember 11, 1954 in Los Angeles, California, U.S.
ResidenceChico, California
Source Of WealthBeer
IndustriesFood And Beverage
SpouseKatie Gonser
3 more rows

What is the sister city of Chico CA? ›

In November 1985, Chico established a sister city relationship with Tamsui, Taiwan, in a project handled through the Coordination Council for North American Affairs Office in San Francisco. Tamsui was chosen because of its similar size, agricultural base and university status as Chico.

What Indian tribe is from Chico California? ›

Today, the Mechoopda Indian Tribe is a federally recognized tribe comprised of 560 Tribal Members and governed by a Tribal Council elected by the General Membership. We welcome you to learn more about our people, history and culture.

What is the homeless population in Chico California? ›

Chico has long had a sizeable population of unsheltered individuals. Over 107,000 people live in the city; 925 are unsheltered. According to self-reported data gathered by Jesus Center, more than 80% of those people have been homeless for over a year.

Is Chico a party town? ›

Bars & Nighclubs in Downtown Chico | Downtown Chico, CA. Downtown Chico is one of Northern California's best towns for fun bars and nightlife — all within walking distance.

What is the average cost of housing in Chico? ›

Median Sold Price

Homes in Chico have sold for 2.3% more than they did a year ago. Summary: The median home sold price in Chico was $450,238 in June 2024, up 2.3% from last year, and the median price per square foot was $294.

How did Chico get his name? ›

Because he later employed an Italian accent in the Marx Brothers' act, people assumed his name was pronounced "Cheeko." Instead, Leonard was dubbed "Chicko" for his other consuming passion, women (or "chicks"), at which he was more successful than gambling, but when a typesetter dropped the "k" out of his name, the ...

Where did the name Chico come from? ›

Chico is a boy's name of Portuguese origin. It stems from the Germanic name Frank and means “Franco, belonging to the people of the Franks.” It can also be interpreted to mean “javelin, spear” or “knife, dagger” based on the Germanic etymology where it stems from words of the same meaning franka and sahsą.

Why is Chico Marx called Chico? ›

Arthur was named Harpo because he played the harp, and Leonard became Chico (pronounced "Chick-o") because he was, in the slang of the period, a "chicken-chaser". ("Chickens" – later "chicks" – was period slang for women.

Why is it called Chico's? ›

Helene names the boutiques after her friend's parrot, Chico.

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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Views: 5375

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.