The Enterprise-Tocsin from Indianola, Mississippi (2024)

TAKING CARE OF HlMst REMARKABLE CORN FIELD. SEALS, PITY THE POOR AWAY. How to Make Tea. fnr than half the Ten consumed in the FRIGHTENED FARMER and PLANTER. to Uo Jack AVaa Making- Money Ilia Ovrn Choosing-.

In Alaskn A CHILD'S ItECOVEKY From Paralysis and Six Yeara of Convulsions. United btates and Canada i of Japanese mainnirnf Americana id- Man lie Met The Flrat All the Female I'upiilea Are Ilrundetl by lClectrlclty STOCK SUGGESTIONS. Former licit of Lake lroilnce liOO iluohela to the Acre. Prof. Thomas Xi.

Cox, who recently returned from Morrilton, says crops are One of the suggestions announced for I parently do not understand how to prepare it bo as to develop the delicious qualities which it contains. The Japanese Govern Timely Sujrircstloiis to Breeders of All Kinds of Stock. the protection of the seals in northern waters, which appears to be entirely Ihe raising of mules is not a very ment has appropriated a large fund to aid 1 the Japanese Tea growers and Tea merchants in prosecuting thin educational work. practicable, is that proposed by Pres Little Fannie Adami, of I matllln, Cared of Dreadful Malady A Care of I'mmunl Intereat A Reporter In veatlRatea. progressive business, yet there is a con get at the store, because they ara larger." And this is not all.

Tho farmer wants a good laying fowl, and at the same time a fine, large, plump tablo fowl, and one that will weigh, from five to ten pounds each on the market. We often see farmers take load of chickens to town abont the holidays that would average about from three to five pounds each. AVhy not invest a few dollars for good male birds and increase the size and looks of your flock, and add from two to three pounds each to the weight with about the same amount of feed and care. ident Jordan, of the Leland Stanford, and it is hoped that American Jadiea will unusually good In that vicinity, and prosperity is knocking at the door of every citizen. He says there is one cornfield near Morrilton that will produce 200 bushels to the acre.

This, eays the. Little Kock (Ark.) Democrat, is a remarkable statement, and yet he university, of California, who advo hy don you give that son of asked one business vfterin other. "He must inherit some of pcrior business qualities and the time come when you must have wane 0 after your affairs. He can't manage without the necessary training." "Don't you suppose that I have canv the whole situation? I have ht handle a small fortune, and the n-sulti I leen so unsatisfactory that I have E1Tf.6 l.t formal notice to hxik out for inrnn 'f 21 "That another thin? I don bke cut ofl his allowance, yet he hve 'AVJ be ant students. I he main isureau or tne stant demand for them in somo parts of the country, and it is the farmer's legitimate business to meet the de Scared Him Off.

"No," said a man who was Bitting on a box in front of a grocery store. "I can't say as 1 know very much about Alaska." His companions looked at him in astonishment. It was the first time he had ever admitted not knowing much about anything. "I reckon, then, you're not thinking about goin to dig for gold," said one bystander. "No." "Mebbe, though, as the stories of sudden wealth keep pourin' in, you'll change your mind." said another.

"It won't be jrossible. I've been there." "And come back without getting rich?" "Yes. I didn't much more than cross the boundary line before I turned around and struck for home." "Scared?" "That's the answer." mand. Japanese Tea Guild has issued an official recipe for making Japanese Tea, the translation of which is as follows: First. Use a small, dry and thoroughly clean porcelain teapot.

Second. Put in one teasnoonful of tea The whole secret of improving the herd denends unon the prepotency of cates that the government brand all female seals found in our waters, thus destroying the skin for commercial purposes, and, consequently, offering no inducement to the sealer to kill such branded animals. President Jordan has just returned from the Pribyloff islands with -the news that the revenue cutter Rusk has From the Lake Region, Eustis, Fla. For some time past the I-ike Kegion has been receiving reports from L'matilla. of an almost miraculous cure that had been effected in the case of Fannie Adams, a daughter of A.

J. Adanm, of that and last Saturday a representative of this paper made a trip to Umatilla for the nurjKjHe of determining the authenticity of tne same. The family live a short distance from the village, where it was found that the people were coimizant of the cure which had been leaves for each cup of tea desired. Ihird. When using Japanese teas, pour declares that it is true.

Until a year or so ago there was a lake near Morrilton covering about 10,000 acres. When the big floods came two years ago, an opening was made by the surging waters hich carried olT all the water of this lake when the floods subsided. The bed of the lake dried up and left the on the required quantity of fresh loiIed wa I the sires and dams used; prepotency can only be procured by breeding strictly in the same breed for a long series of years. Never select a bull or other male animal because he in his own person pos It is a plasure to see a fine flock of pure-bred fowls of any breed. The day for scrub stock is fast going by and thought I would have to pt: ut the, blinds for want of ready cah 11, ter, and let stand with elosed lid irom -J bih were not Hvanaoie and improved breeds are taking their place.

inaugurated the scheme. The branding pushing me. one afternoon 1 he bov walked mtn when I was in the 'Thinzs lookin' blue "What of? l'olar bears?" "No." "Supplies eive out?" I am glad to know that there is one is effected by means of an electrical de- effected, and were rejoicing with the family siiair, said ce, which is both convenient and ef "No. I had plenty of food. What changed more journal in Iowa working for the farmers welfare and the poultry inter in tlieir new lound Happiness, ineiamer, A.

J. Adams, is a hard-working honest my plan was seeine a man diceine a hole- laid down a c-ertitied check f.r r2 7o rfi walked out. I owe hirn that vet hit holding it back till I tan see that'll tll it I farmer from east Tennessee, and the family ests in general, and we wish this paper to 3 minutes. Never loil the leaves. In order to retain the natural flavor, Japanese tea leaves should le kept in tight can or jar, free from moisture.

Note. To thoroughly enjoy the natural, delicate and sweet flavor of Japanese Teas, neither sugar nor cream should be used. A Matter ot Fashion. Doctor Madam, your husband has paralysis. Wife Oh, doctor, I'm delighted! I thought it was nervous prostration, and had these ideas about gold being found any and everywhere, and I went up thinking came to Florida four years ago in the hope ricnest sou tne world ever saw.

it is ten feet deep, and nothing the Iliver Nile ever produced could excel it. This year Mills and Halley have a crop of corn on about 1,000 acres of this land. They sowed the corn broadcast like success. H. Miller, in Western IV.

fective. Dr. Jordan says, in regard to this branding process, that it is perfectly feasible to brand seals, and that the brand will remain permanently, as it does on a horse or cow. One man can that a change or climate would be ol benelit Fouitry lleview. to their allhcted child.

Much of their earn nen i gave nun money to buv whp-t him how the market was fuV, ignored my advice and egirs; right in the C'l A it mill IlIllIll'Y If, I. ill' trKKiS riKi in i ne riudst of Krt tro, he to gei some points aoom mining, i asKea him in an offhand way whether he had struck any pay dirt yet, and he turned around and ings have ftone for doctors' bills, whose WORKING HORSES. glared at me and said: 'Young feller, what nun oi weather, mind you. On learning where th- were stored I notified the rt-ment and requested ome of those in ti'L services proved unavailing. The representative was greeted by Airs.

Adams, from whom he gained the story of her great trial. unnie. the youngest child, was born in It is I'sually the 1'our Judgment of the no you think 1 doin this lor? 1 told Inm I thought he was digging for gold. lie sesses peculiar form which you think the best; this is often but an accident, and there is no assurance that he can transmit this form to his progeny. If he had ancestors of which you need not be ashamed 3'ou take him more confidently.

The deer is a native of America, and thrives in every state and territory. We have too long permitted their wanton slaughter. Considering the excellency of venison as food, and the small cost of rearing deer under proper protection, it is in America especially that steps to form deer parks might be easy and of profit. "When things are at their worst tbey it is said. Although good that 8 so common, you know.

Boston glared at me again and said: 'Gold nothing! Driver that Iujuro.i Working Horses. llut very few horses do enough work I doing this for fun. I've been living here rinity to brine proceedings ishon the ru, ance asserted itself. I learned incidentV afterward that he had a patent it's jv'r preserving eggs and cleared up a hi it ti-i i i. 'i How accommodating some men are to in a day to injure them, if only Droner east Tennessee, and was seven years old on the third day of February, 18K7.

When ten months old she was stricken with paralvsirt, which affected the entire left side. This stroke of paralysis was followed by convul their wives when asked to do something tor iour years ana there one thing that rny curiosity lias never been satisfied about. I'm going to dig this hole good and deep so as to allow plenty of room, and then find judgment is exercised by the drivers. they are dying to do anyway. Washington iiniiK-v.

i-iii i.iiu fillip uie av 1 dieted, but it was his buin-M to i told him. Ilccentlv he made l.ri fri Democrat. Wake Tp. out just how far down tins climate will make it is not the hard pull that injures a horse, but the hard pull combined with the long pull that does the business. It sions, and Irom the time little rannie was ten months old until February, 1897, there was not a single day or a night that she did mercury go ashington Star.

fhooting game. I dnn't know ji-t what 'it was, but one of his friends nA Yes, wake up to the danger which threat ens you if your kidneys or bladder are inact Vh ER SCOLDING LOCKS. not have spasms of the most distressing does not hurt a horse to pull all he can any more than it does a man to lift, nature. Not a single convulsion, but al ive or weak. Don't you know that if you fail naa laKcn a long si.ot at a iir.rse ami hope the rascal had to pay for the Lorse." Detroit Free Press.

She Tried to Oblige a Friend lint She stock now brings goad prices, let us to impel them to action Pright's disease or diabetes awaits you se Ilostetter Stom hope that the prices of all kinds of meats will soon rise sufficiently to give Got Angry About It. Some people are absolutely devoid of tact ach Hitters without delay. It has a most beneficial effect upon the kidneys when One ot these is a youthtul matron who, farmers better prices than they have Xo Charge. It was evident that he was ar.rr, sr.i perhaps he had reason to I-. Just't I I 1 tr I i out the man stops when he has lifted long enough, while the driver cruelly tucks on the whip, and does not let the horse rest.

It is the poor judgrient of the driver that injures the horse not the hard work. To illustrate, the driver with a wishing to make her erv dearest mend obtained of late. Stock must be raised ways three or four, and sometimes as high as ten in one day. The family was all broken down with care, and Mrs. Adams states that for one year she did not go into her kitchen to superintend her household work.

All the finger of the right hand of the little girl are enlarged and misshapen, caused bv her biting them during the fearful suffering. The case bailled the skill of the best physicians, and they were frank to say that they could not determine the cause, or prescribe a another young matron a birthday present, decided on the purchase of a handsome pair whether wheat and corn pay or do not painter 'rous'y sluggiKh, and upon the bowels, liver, stom ach and nervous system. Self Kvldent. Miss Courtright What do you think of a man who will marry a woman for monev? passed unaer tne scanoiiimg Uk flourished his brush a little to.i and the resu't was disastrous. ot shell side combs.

pay. Stallions, bulls and mares breed all "Look at that." he yelled. indi -atir Nothing could have been more for the blonde tresses of her friend, and cost and making all sorts of violent g-t'ire. "the better if highly fed, but care must Mr. Spooner All I can sav is that such the giver felt much pleased with her selec fellow must be hard up.

Cleveland Loader, be taken that they have proper exer ne pnimer hkjmh hi ii a r-jiiij "You have a right to kick," he sai.l, vie'i 1 a- i i ar- cise; if given this, they can hardly be fed too liberally. This does not hold mS scrutiny was t-oinpieteu. 11 fa veryun- even piece oi worK. i won cr. ridre you a cent for it.

'Chicago Post. good with "smaller domestic animals, and even the cow must be fed cauti The Important Point. D.xt,-r"Vo"i ously. neavy load must pull up a long hilL lie uses the whip, and pulls close to the top without stopping. Then he stands there for several minutes, resting his horses, but they have been injured by the long, hard pull.

Now, if he had stopped, say twice, in ascending the hill not long, but just to give the horses wind he would not have consumed as much time from bt-irt to finish as he did before, and he would have reached the top of the hill with a comparatively fresh pair of horses, instead of a jaded, blown pair. The horses then are ready for another null, whi In. be on jour feet in a week or so." icmeoy io aia tne amicted child. I hit what a change now in that household; for little Fannie has recently been releaned from her six years of agony, which brings the light of happiness to the faces of the parents. In January, this year.

Mrs. Adams, who had purchased some of Dr. Williams' I'ink I ills for Pale People for her fourteen vear old daughter, determined to try their effect upon little Fannie. After three or four doses, he noted an improvement and she then told the father what she had done. He at once went to thn villn It is the fine work of the breeder, "On my feet? Put how w.on will followed close and hard by the feeder, my wheel Puck.

which has pushed the American hog to None So Good aa Star Tobacco. The consumption of Star plug tobacco is the largest in the world. No other tobacco is so good as Star plug in all respects. Not Surprising. Forrester How time does fly.

Lancaster I don't blame it. Think how many people there are trying to kill it. Harlem Life. is the medicine to break up children Coughs and Colds. Mrs.

Plunt, Sprague, March 8, '94. The people Mho really know what love is are afraid to tell, for fear their knowl "Mamma, what is a fzre-e?" 'A fa his proud position, and has put some of our neighbors across the waters at ny, it is tne way your lather vA around and watered all mv dried-uri tK tion when she went to call on her ana give her the pretty ornaments. "I thought you would like them," she said, when her friend had admired them and thanked her rapturously, "you will find them bo handy to fasten up your scolding locks." "What do you mean?" asked her friend, in a surprised tone. "Did you never hear of scolding locks? The are the short ends of your hair that are always Hying loose. They bother one so much, but 6ide combs keep them in order, besides being very becoming ornaments." "So you think I have scolding locks then I must be a scold.

Thanks, awfully, dear, but I don't believe I need any combs. Keep them for your own scolding outfit," and the face of the "dearest friend" clouded with anger. "Very well, just as you like. Good-by, the donor of the combs snatched them up and carried them home, where she had a fit of hysterics. And all because she needed a little tact.

Chicago Times-Herald. Jleivare of Ointments for Catarrh their wit's ends to find some plausible pretest for shutting out our pork from their shores without showing to the in the first instance, they are probably world their inability to compete with permanently injured. us on even terms. It is the same at farm work. A man edge will give away an unpleasant experi ence.

Atchison Globe. another box, and up to this time six boxes have been used. The first pills, Mrs. Adams states, were given in January, the latter part, and certainly not earlier than the fifteenth or twentieth, and the child had her last convulsion on February 3d, pearl three months ago. Iler general condition has improved in everv way, and it was not a month after the firt pills were taken tt hen she began to walk without assistance, lhe pi i were boucrht at the drug store ot Dr.

Shelton. in I mntilln Tn Humane treatment does not consist has heavy plowing to do. It pays to stop for a moment several ti merely in refraining from kicks and blows, but includes regular watering A lawyer doesn't know everything, but he thinks you think he does. Chicago News. than to push the team through for of the stock, providing shade, giving some length of time, and then allow them to stand for a long while, llv THE GENERAL MARKET.

shelter, and in having ample ilynets and blankets. It comprises close at- morning after I got home." Detroit Free Press. To Care Colli in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine druggists refund money if it fails tocure. 25c. No odds how little a man dc-s he likes to tell how he used to work.

Washington Democrat. Fortify Feeble Lunes Acair.rt Wir.Vt with Hale's Honey of IforchounJ an 1 Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute! What a nice companion a fiy n.ake after you hav? had an experience with a nuiuiio! Atchison Globe. Fits stopped free and permanent! rurei No fits after tirt-t day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Pestorer.

treatise. Dr. Kline. S33 Arch a. Never strike a man when he'sdoivn esr 'IN CASH OF WAR, JAPAN AND SPAIN ARK LIKELY TO UNITE." the ouestion.

du? tn i to the question, dl he, to his the first method of treatment, a man Kansas City, Ma. Oct. 17. That Contain Mercury, ention to every comfort. bene- bem person: knowledge, know that the remedv had tited rannie Adams, as was stated by hf parents, the doctor said that he can do more work in a day than by the latter; and, not only this, but be will er as mercury will surely destroy the sense ol smell and completely derange the whole sys i jt'Ku- was a reci have horses that are able to eat and tem when entering it through the mucous surfaces.

Such articles should never be i iu'i pnysician, and as mich wa loth to recommend anv proprietary medi. fine, but still he digest their supper, and work from day wheat, and the stalks are as strong as saplings, and scores of "shoots" are also loaded down. "It is the most remarkable corn crop ever produced in the world," declared Prof. Cox, and, to used except on prescriptions from reputable brand female seal pups at the rate of 1,000 a day. The brand will grow with the outer growth of the animal.

The outer, or water hair, will hide it to some extent, but the part of the skin on which it ap to day with no injury whatever, while, by pushing them through until thev all men and he did know that Dr. Williams' Pmk Pi for Tah physicians, as the damage they will do is CATTLE Best beeves i 4 50 Ci 4 65 Stockers 3 50 4 15 Native cows 175 3 So HOGS Choice to heavy 3 50 6c 3 SHEEP 2 85 Si 3 65 WHEAT Xo. 2 red 89 No. 2 hard t3 83 CORN No. 2 mixed 3 23 OATS No.

2 mixed 184JJ 13 RYE No. 2 40 FLOUR Patent, per 4 Co CJ 4 TO Fancy 4 3j i 4 41 clten ten ioid to the good you can possibly fited F. 'i ui'iir-annie Adams, and also mane me story even more interesting. are tired out, and then resting, you are quite liable to injure the horses, and derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.

J. Cheney Toledo, the information Vic I i -i contains no mercury, and is taken inter So long as this country is on corn we do not believe it ever to be policy to let corn drop out of the feeding ration. For most purposes and with nearly all kinds of stock it should be the fixed nucleus of a ration, and other elements the afterthought. When two distinct breeds are crossed it is a matter of certainty that there will be no regularity in the type of the herd. The prepotency of every individual of the herd will have" been weakened, and the produce of such animals is sure to revert to the type of the original parents.

Farmers' llome Journal. you can not accomplish j-our work. It cially for a loan. Chicago News. gooa judgment, combined with nush.

nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying he ended it by declaring that a 'coon" was caught between the stalks, a nd, being unable to extricate itself because they were so thick, was killed by those who came upon it. lall atarrh Cure be sure you get the gen When money talks we never pause to its grammar. Chicago News. that accomplishes much, whether it be working horses or doing anything else.

HAi Choice timothy TOO 7 T5 Fancyprairie 5 50 t00 BRAN (sacked) 45 (a 43 uine. Jt is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Co. Testi pears is permanently spoiled for the furrier's purpose, as, in the course of preparation for market, all the longer or water hair is removed.

The adult seals can also be branded without injury, but they are not so easily handled. It has been asserted that handling the animals will frighten them and drive them off to some other island, but there Home Journal. dren in the village who had been benefited by their use. Dr. W'illiams' Fink Pills for Pale People in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered are a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weak-TS- Wood, and re- cheeks.

In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising moti monials free. Sold by Druggists, price Toe per bottle. Hall's Family Fills are the best. lib'ntu-Choice 18 CHEESE Full cream 10 EGUS choice 11 POTATOES 45 22 11H 60 The Pulque Hearer. One of the most common sights in Mexico is the pulque bearer, for this ICnlarso the Uarden.

In traveling through the country one Snow Is Your sees many small gardens, and not a few Trying to Defraud Her. THE MARKET GARDEN. Horton How is it that you always put on such a long face and talk' so discoiiragingly when your wife hannens to be nresent A nil i IIl ui rv, over- I 1 I 1 1 tr appears to be no foundation for the statement, as the animals do not mind it any more than sheep mind being sheared. seductive drink must be fresh every morning if the drinker desires to be anything- but fresh in the afternoon. The vessel used for carrying it is the skin of a bog.

At a distance the skins look more like the live animal than the outer covering only. These burdens are Are yon all run down, nervous, rreali. at other times you are the most enthusiastic A rentable IS us mess Where the Condi ST. LOUIS. CATTLE Native and shipping 3 85 4 TO Texans.

3 00 fij 3 75 HOGS Heavy 3 70 3 90 SHEEP Fair to choice 3 10 3 05 FLOUK Choice 4 65 4 7.5 WHEAT No. 2 red 5 3 S3 CORN No. 2 mixed. SMSfii 15 OATS No. 2 mixed 19 tions Are favorable.

prosperity boomer 1 know of? out. full of malaria, no wizm tn wnatever nature. Pink 1 ills are Fold boxes (never in loose bulk) at cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, and may be hnd of all drucreists, or direct bv mail by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, N. Y.

1 no ambition? lhe profit arising from the cultiva- .1.1 i Henley I promised her away back last spring that I'd get her a new sealskin sarque this fall, if business picked up. Cleveland Ulei poorly cultivated. We trust that all in that co idition now will resolve to cultivate larger gardens next year in order to have more vegetables, more small fruits and more flowers. The garden adds immensely to the luxury of the farmers diet, and, if properly cultivated, increases the -charms of the rural landscape. Those who determine upon such enlargement can do much in the way of preparation this fall, both in fertilizing the Brown's IronTonic nun ui veg-euioies ior me mariret, is, in many cases, extraordinary; but at the same time, to become successful, the i-ieaaer.

SOME ODD LITTLE FACTS. Turkey Itnzznrtls. "Turkey buzzards are the garbage collectors of Charleston, S. says a traveling: man quoted in the Philadelphia Record. "Now, if you know anything of the nature of a turk-ev lm bulld T0U UP- I' tones and ta In Darkest Afrlen.

nr- it i tt ICl No. 2. HUTTER-CTeamery LAKD Western mess. PORK. 41 3 4 8 25 nia luissmnarv iiere: nerei i cultivation of vegetables requires an exact knowledge of their nature and of shocked! What are you two fichtim about An ordinance being enforced in New-bern, N.

prohibits anyone, pronrie- mi u.i luc Muumiii, ana imparts Dew life to all orpansof the body. Has Cured Thousands. Will Cure You. kept steady by the band passing over the forehead, supporting also the greater part of the weight. About 2o gallons, or over 200 pounds, is not an uncommon load, with which the burden bearer moves rapidly along, as if it were a mere trifle.

The yoke in an invention that is altogether too modern for them CHICAGO. The Combatants Jonah an' de whale. their conditions of growth, blights. I- I i Puck. you must know that ordinarily it's a tors and employes included, from g-o- CAiTLE-Commoa to mildews, rusts, cankers and insect ene- "ZtoMM 2 3 3 fl 3 2 fl 3 3 i 42 15 4 20 8 15 3 80 3 75 3 50 4 70 (3 2 13 43 HOGS Parking and shipping.

very shy sort of creature and generally ing in or out of a place of business be niies of all kinds all must be under Of Coome Not. Mr. ITncgins Tsn't Miss Roxv a peach? avoids civilization, particularly as rep stood anil truarded airainst. A wrsnn SHEEP Fair to choice FLOUR Winter wheat. WHEAT No.

2 red. tween Saturday midnight and Sunday midnight. resented in the laree cities. Then 4- .1 i Miss Kittish Yes, but she is not the only nuu oi tins Knowledge is SlPnPQY Eff DISCOTEBI; pirff OtJf 1W I v9 9 quick reiief and corf! worfl rwi. Semi for booK of!i and 1W days' trralmrnt Free.

Itr. U. U. taki-Vs SOS, fruit in the orchard. Detroit iree I ress.

(if. 5 35 Ci 4 15 Ci 4 50 4 ft) ti 25 is? 45-i 21H 4 32H dS, 7 bo likely to lieg-lect som point or other. giouna ana in breaking it up and pulverizing the soil. Where parties have nothing but a heavy, stubborn soil jr garden purposes they should break it up early in the fall and follow with a clod crusher, roller or harrow, to break up the clocls and turfs; this repeated several times, with liberal applications "of stable manure thrown which, at first sight, may appear of but CORN No. 2 OATS No.

2. RYE BUTTER Creamery. No man is too shiftless to feel a little bit EVENING GOWNS romantic about his marriage. Washington mile importance, but which, in reality. 15 jjemocrai.

LARD 4 eo has great influence oil the success of his Shakespeare's daughter, Judith, who was 22 when he died, survived him 4G years and became a Puritan. So rigid was she that she would never go near a plaj house, and was intolerant of everything theatrical. Two daily newspapers are now printed by the Japanese in Formosa. One of UliRtS WhiHt ALL Li faitS. PORK.

bo crops, which means pecuniary success. Dissatisfied people arc, as a rule, loafers. Boat Cough Syrup. Tattea Goud. tTse ti Atcnison uiooe.

lhe greater number of vegetables can not, like Iruit trees and cereals, be left to care for themselves during the titae Scrofula Cured NEW YORK. CATTLE Native steers HOGS Good to choice. WHEAT No. 2 red. CORN No.

2 OATS No. 2 BUTTER Creamery PORK Mess. OI llieir KTOWlli; on the contrnrv nil A. K. K.

4 03 ft 5 05 4 25 4 35 Pl'ii 92 2-' 22 14 Si 9 CO a 75 1679 vegetaoies will require aud must have broadcast before plowing, then, lastly, bedding it up, as for cotton just before' winter freezing, and in the spring when you go to work that soil you will be astonished to see how nicely it works, aud further, to see what tine vegetables you will have. Try it. Southern Cultivator. ADTEKT1SFK4 iw the Advertlte WHEN WTtlTlXO TO pli Male that you mt sent In thla paor. waicniui attention and constant cul Face and Head Covered with Seres, ture.

It is true that the total amount but Hood's Has Cured Them. them appears in Japanese only, while the other has articles in three languages Japanese, Chinese and English, or what is intended to be English. The supposed grave of Eve is visited by over 40,000 pilgrims in each year. It is to be seen at Jeddah. in a reme.terv of labor required for this purpose is in 1 ym many cases but trilling: but the onera- "My face aud head were a mass of sores, but siuce taking Hood's Sarsaparilla these sores have all disappeared.

I believe Hood's Sai-saparilla has no equal tor scrof 3 nous oi wnicu we are speaking are not Saviiig Forage. Peas sown for forage will be cut to A on that account to be dispensed with: ula." Ida A. VV eaveu, Palermo, 111. Kuuia uiuic, Luey must De exe outside the city walls. The tomb is 50 cubits long and 12 wide.

The Arabs entertain the belief that Eve was the wards the end of the month, because a km cuted at certain precise times, for the most will have reached the proner i delay of a siug-te day may often noocr Stage by that time. After the pods are I pretty well foruivd is regarded as the be attended with the most se 4 proper stage. The rail pen style of Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. rious consequences, particularly if it be necessary to take advan- t.n irti of fm.riKIrt lnt i. curing is probably the best.

If the and boards for eoveiino- ai-p a tne wearrii'r MOOfl Plc'ure liver ills easy to take, uuuu ascents! tallest woman who ever lived. Out in Kedlands, they have been cutting grain this season with a harvester that is truly a mammoth of its kind. It has a cutting-bar ever 50 feet in width, cuts the grain, threshes it, ties it up in sacks and turns out hundreds, of these sacks an hour. 1 THE WIT OF JUVENILES. or condition of soil, which may last but all ready on the m-onml iii 1 a short time.

Whoever undertakes t.i.i 1 Le put up quite rapidly, and one- ALABAMA LADIES branch of industry on a Sca! Dills stand without a rival a rrViah fomilv Brave as Lions. aone tliey can remain in the pens indefinitely, and require uo further at must be able a glance the whole space over which his operations extend; he must eive his rm tention. Corn forage, millet, can 4 ue cut and put in shocks at once with jcnncr, writes: Teacher "Fritz, tell me the the attention they require, and at the my Husband was out any curing whatever; if the shocks medicine. They cure sick headache, biliousness, keep the. body in perfect health.

In many homes no medicine is used except Dr. J. C. Ayer's the animal who furnishes us with cured of IJiliousuess same time have a second in readiness as soon as the first is taken off. by Dr.

M. A. Sim are well put up, settled firmly on the ground, drawn up tightly with a rope hams?" "The butcher." Aunt "Well, Bobby, what do you mons Liver Medi If a selection can be made in such a uuout tne miuaie and then bound, the manner that the operations xoiage wni cure without trouble, and! want to be when you grow up?" Bobby (sulTering from parental discipline) A by the different sorts which are beinsr the shocks mav remain fVn- in am, cine, which I have used 10 years. Have tried both Zeilin's find "Black Draught," and I think the M. A.

Simmons Medicine so fnr Superior that one Pnckne of it in in grown for the market shall follow each other i me ueiu without, in un- -n orpnan." "Paw! Say, paw," little Johnny "Now, what do you want?" asked Farmer variety then becomes advantageous a worm miee or tour of either the other kinds. HERE AND THERE. 1., essential ior the market his suffering- father, with the emphasis on the "now." "Will mv hair fall tr Insufficient Mcnsfruafinti urn me lauor win be constantly The cultivation of rice near r.atr employed, and when it ripe, like yours?" economy of labor Worth, has proved an eminent Is sometimes caused by non -development of the parts, sometimes by obstructions in mouth of vagin*, and sometimes bv consti- A little girl on Long Island offered a success. is an important consideration. Ibe gardener who does nf.

rather remarkable prayer a few nights riiica dowois, bnt usually results from a dc- -uiuet near Orlando. attains how to make a i uiiiLatuu conumonoi me svstem. which venta nature from overcoming any unusual the height of la feet inches vvvvvvvvv vwjatictLinii (j i varieties, but is induced to rrrmv ti, ago, when she said: "I do thank Thee, God, for all my blessings and I'll do headine out. lir. Simmons Squaw Vine Wine build3 uo vegetables only which yield the, as much for you some If we all did the best we kn limv ino system and cures the disorder, while Dr.

M. A. Liver Medicine cures the Constipation, indigestion. Innanf Pink is the popular color, and accordion plaiting has not lost favor. This cne is made of accordion plaited liberty silk.

ti nucie wouiu oe more monev in th. NOVELTIES JUST PATENTED. returns when perfectly successful, will soon pay for nis experience by serious losses, which will in the end give him the education he requires to tite, pains in bnck, hips, head and luabs. Yxrn irh am nn i pociict, ana more contentment in tli DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE IS mind. SCIENCE IN NEATNESS? If weeds are annual do not successful; and the market gardeners them make seeds; if thev are npivnnni WISE AND USE auccefc uepenas largely on his ability to adopt, although once in awhile a man may be seen with a strip of wood across his shoulders, from which are dangling1 two jars to bring tears to the eyes of the fiercest Tartar.

do not let them make leaves. to supply ins customers at biieiiman, writes: I iiuvu usea ir. bi. a. Sim Young poultry do not neo.l with something that is particularly de- To prevent the stealing of -whips from wagons a newly-invented whip socket has a lock which holds a clamp around the butt of the whip.

An Ohio man has a school desk in which the supports slide in two sockets in the base to make it adjustable for large or small pupils. A recently patented nickel-in-the-slot machine polishes shoes, perfumes the mons Liver Medicine 15 years. It cured mo of Tor- lake, for instance, tho dliug or pampering, but they do need sullicieut nutritions ffi.vl tf Pid JLiver, Indigestion. of celery. If he has that at all nm, 0 A COMBINATION BODICE.

Iservousness and Sleeplessness, it cured my when celery can be had in t.h birds, however, are tame, and they strut about the heels of the people in the markets picking up bits of refuse meat and vegetables. The buzzard has a voracious appetite and there always seems to be room inside of him for a choice bit of tainted beef or decayed cabbage. There is a five-dollar fine for any man molesting any of these birds. I understand that Charleston is the only city in the country that has this unique system cf garbage collecting." The LniiRiiRKe ot Slates. It is only partially true that sirrn lan.

ue oi a female com and has it of superior quality, it will prove the best argument in plaint. My two Aunts have been grently bene- luuiuiaiu Lfc good growth. Poultry raising is being gradually reduced to business principles, and it will be an actual and important feature of agriculture ten years hence. In 1.ou ruu theru ai as many produce. "1S Utea bv it in their old Btre.

Have used "Black Draught'1 but think Dr. M. A. S. L.

The first work of imnortano ti, market gardener is to secure a market- ill. tar superior to it. clothing, opens a mirror and gives the user a stick of gum in one operation. To assist in teaching a person to ride a bicj ele a pair of handles is attached to the end of the horizontal saddle-post, A YEAR FOR Hi of course, refers to new beirin- SWif gg lYellow. ners.

p.s llmu iintea as mere are "downs and a man should keep in line all the i i 1U business l.OO soma iii men iiiarKets established. -South ern Cultivator. guage is the same the world over. While lH. tUo liver and ita clooely Billed elands.

The bile, instead of passing DEnOREST'Sl FAMILY 1 certain signs are easily understood, the PURE-BRED POULTRY. sign language differentiates itself, as time, so that lie can take advantage of them when they come. The sole object in having hens on the farm is to make ends If thev have their freedom without any attempt at management they are likely to eat their heads off in a little while The subscription price of DEMOREST'S 3 is reduced to 1.00 a Year. fcpoiven languages do, and people of MAGAZINE. TliafA to ana 1'roflt It Condn, and finding no outlet through its usual channels, has accumulated and been taken up by the absorbents and distributed over tho system, poisoning the blood and disturbing all tho functions of the body.

In the treat-ment of this disease, Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine should be taken nipht and morning nntil the complexion becomes I 11 till I 1 v- We often hiar yDETiORESTS V3J3 PAM11 PS lLb" onjethlna for each membir of tb r. TSr uiiiiit ui me nomeliold, and Its Taripd consent an, iT, S- to be grasped by the teacher to steady the wheel.

To iron the neckbands of shirts and set them in position a new machine has an iron riDg with two flat wheels inside to press the band against the ring as they turn around. To safely carry hats in trunks a new device has a base plate which screws kito the bottom of the compartment to Eupport a padded block, over which the hat is pressed. To assist baseball pitchers in curving the ball a circular band of rubber, with sharp points projecting from one side to xue qmcnest way to add is nothing but a chicken, and that scrub hens will lay just as to the 5 i wouict be to eggs as any hkrh-scorimr vaiue ot many far: build better roads. 4-1 mo progriartV. "wrU.Vs "of The da, and lKXXa "I everTtlitn Art 1 n.

JtS A' tbe time In them, aud so bold Msturi Spurn Frauds that court yon for yonr Money. The imitations that try to tako tho place of tho Original Dr. M. A. Simmons Liyrr Medicine, while by interested dealers Bold as the eamc," aro advertised as "not the same," and yon may bo courted and deceived for your money At the expense of your health, Beware I that they don't think there is any difference at all in the quality for the ta- from ftu tn vrtfl LSELt HXLoTRATEU of tbe UREAI MIOSTU- LIES L1F v.v..v uun ucveiup tneir own.

American deaf mutes get on very well with the French, because from France the first ideas of the American teachers were taken. Hut there is a considerable difference between the sign language of the two great -English-speaking countries. In England the two-handed alphabet is used, while here the single-handed prevails, as might be expected in a Yankee nation, and there are differences in the gestures. Ken I LinDffnase. The Japanese language is said to contain 60,000 worde, every one of which re- iS'ow, let's be honest.

I mem nearer to market. We make money when we add to the value of a farm as well as when we grow profitable crops. If the losses to manure could be represented in figures the result would be starthug. the farmers brothers. Does afiock of duncr-iiiUe many colors and sizas, bred Tn and in necessary for postage and them other aintti- necessarr for postage and wrapping .01 a number of generations, nrn.i, NO BETTER CHRISTMAS GIFT a year's inhvriMinn as many eggs as a fine, well-bred and well-kept flock of Dure-brrf wi bemaiia S- ftuia -mr can dial engage tne Dan, is slipped over one finger of the hand.

Padlocks are being manufactured with an auxiliary chamber, which carries an explosive, to be fired by a hammer inside the lock and give an alarm when the lock is tampered -with. time after practice tho old custom of heaping manure in yards, allowing its strength to away in coffe colored streams every rainfall. any of the improved breeds? I say no. And again, the eggs are not as lar-e as those from a good flock nf rtu ivimi PUBLISHING CO 1 HO Fifth New York Qty. quires a different symbol.

It is quite impossible for one man to learn the entire language, and a well-educated -C A. A m. a Langshans, Plymouth fiocksor any ot the larger varieties. What cit I.e. Scientists tell us that ev Tvai opeciai viuDDing Offer for Promnt Si.h0.ic of the oflTer.

below. In soma cases, you will not. frT.hTl,.IJ?V CM. yourcholoe L.4 A dinner waist which may te transformed into a ball costume by simpjyre moving the brocaded silk bolero. tomer would not rather buv a oi mo nrsiamea on alone.

-ho offer incl meut necessary to the support of man is contained within the limit- END YOUR NAMS on a postal RD ft Hfl wwrtm The number of women composers is very small, and the generally accepted Japanese is familiar with only about 10,000 words. An Eel Tbat Whistle. fine, large, uniform etro-s for his ND WE WILL SEND YOU OViL 156 PAGE- pru-o fur prir-a Yea reason ior tnis is that women lack the 00 and to yon i ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE table than to buy small ones at the egg shell, in the best proportion 1 aud in the most palatable form, --1UUSF, mm creative quality. As executants thev save 00 same price? Awful. Frink Well, how are things in IJos- Harpci- The Christ Un Herald, Sew omen Hume MeCiure'K Cosmopolitan Magazine.

Hunsey'sMaeazine Hnuuiif. momR Repeating Arms I speaking, farmers use too few esam! develop more rapidly than men and 1.50 .50 1 60 1 00 1 00 -fO have had customers sav to ns: i 1 85 ITS 1 75 1 iwrrircnMiTRAVe, nEW nAVtff, COM, wo much pork ou their tables. There pie ton? Have they named any new after Aristotle yet? would rather pay you from oae to two i 1. A remarkable eei has been discovered in the Fiji islands. It has a peculiar formation in its throat which causes it to whistlt when in au excited state.

The eel ia 15 feet JcpgaacJ jeyeral iqehe io girth. can interpret music readily. In spite of this the influence of women have ex Ladles' lUglU this WQl'bl mni.a i 1 1.00 xm more Uv mv than s0m thM imu Addr.i.Di;M;01li:STPCllI.IniIiOCOMPAJrr. lionrvi. lK erted on music history is grreat, No 0.

Biit I heard a man There ask for a Wnto.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.